Inverting ifs in JavaParser

To answer a question from Kaleem on our Gitter channel, I made a little sample program that turns all if(x!=y) a else b constructs into if(x==y) b else a. I thought it would be a nice example of AST hacking with visitors in practice. Here it is with some comments:

    // People posting code samples should stop cutting the imports from them!
    import com.github.javaparser.ast.CompilationUnit;
    import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.BinaryExpr;
    import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.Expression;
    import com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.IfStmt;
    import com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.Statement;
    import com.github.javaparser.ast.visitor.ModifierVisitor;
    import com.github.javaparser.ast.visitor.Visitable;
    import com.github.javaparser.utils.CodeGenerationUtils;
    import com.github.javaparser.utils.SourceRoot;


    public class Fix {
        public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
            // SourceRoot is a tool that read and writes Java files from packages on a certain root directory.
            // In this case the root directory is found by taking the root from the current Maven module,
            // with src/main/resources appended.
            SourceRoot sourceRoot = new SourceRoot(CodeGenerationUtils.mavenModuleRoot(Fix.class).resolve("src/main/resources"));
            // Our sample is in the root of this directory, so no package name.
            CompilationUnit cu = sourceRoot.parse("", "");

            cu.accept(new ModifierVisitor<Void>() {
                public Visitable visit(IfStmt n, Void arg) {
                    // I figured out what to get and what to cast simply by looking at the AST in the debugger! 
                    Expression condExpr = n.getCondition();
                    if (condExpr instanceof BinaryExpr) {
                        BinaryExpr cond = (BinaryExpr) condExpr;
                        if (cond.getOperator() == BinaryExpr.Operator.NOT_EQUALS && n.getElseStmt().isPresent()) {
                            /* It's a good idea to clone nodes that you move around.
                                JavaParser (or you) might get confused about who their parent is!
                            Statement thenStmt = n.getThenStmt().clone();
                            Statement elseStmt = n.getElseStmt().get().clone();
                    return super.visit(n, arg);
            }, null);

            // This saves back the file we read with the changes we made. Easy!

This project is now an offical sample project!