Testing JavaParser Code
Test approach
Several styles of testing have been used in JavaParser over the years, and although it is appreciated if you reuse existing tests and utilities, we’re already pretty happy if you are writing tests at all.
Most tests are written using JUnit 5. Some are written using JBehave, as described below. Choose what you like.
Behavior Driven Development
JBehave is for Behavior Driven Development defined with a given-when-then syntax.
The key aspect however is the ability to define scenarios in plain text, and have the ability to reuse the same expectations then’s
once defined in Java.
The other key aspects are that JBehave is POJO orientated and and not a large leap away from regular JUnit; which is perhaps more suitable for casual committers rather than something like Spock.
The test cases reside in the javaparser-core-testing-bdd
Video Demo
A demonstration video is available to introduce testing with JBehave and the JavaParser
If you would like to contribute to the project, but have a question about JBehave based testing please raise create a question in issues.